Wednesday 14 December 2011

Required Disclosures When Selling

!: Required Disclosures When Selling

There are certain statutory disclosures including local ordinances and federal laws that a San Fernando Valley seller and/or their San Fernando Valley Realtor must comply with and provide to the buyer, subject to certain exemptions. These disclosures are required in connection with the sale, transfer or exchange, lease with option to purchase, and ground lease of residential real estate. The following is a highlight of those disclosures:

Transfer Disclosure Statement Exempt Transactions

The Seller and all real estate agents involved in the San Fernando Valley real estate sale, transfer or exchange of 1-4 units of residential real estate must complete a transfer disclosure statement, and deliver it to the buyer. The purpose of the statement is for the seller and all Realtors involved in the transaction to disclose any material facts or defects known about the property that might influence the buyer's decision to purchase the property. It is always best to over disclose. It will help keep everyone out of court.

However, there are certain exempt transactions when a transfer disclosure statement is not required. The following is a list of those exempt transaction under California Civil Code Section 1102:

o The sale of new homes as part of a subdivision project where a public report must be delivered to the purchaser or a public report is not required. If the new homes are sold through a real estate broker and not a developer, then the real estate broker has a duty to disclose material facts which might affect the value, desirability and use of the property.
o Foreclosures.
o Court ordered transfers or sales.
o Transfers by a fiduciary of a decedent's estate, a guardianship, conservatorship, or trust, except in the case where the trustee is a former owner of the property.
o Transfers to a spouse or to children.
o Transfers resulting from a judgment of dissolution of marriage, a legal separation, or from a property settlement agreement in connection with dissolution of marriage.
o Transfers from one co-owner to another.
o Transfers by the State Controller for unclaimed property.
o Transfers resulting from failure to pay taxes.
o Transfers to or from any governmental entity.

There are two thoughts on when you should deliver the transfer disclosure statement. In order to avoid your buyer cancelling the contract after execution, you may want to give the buyer a copy of the transfer disclosure statement at the time you are negotiating the purchase and sale agreement. Other San Fernando Valley Realtors suggest that the seller deliver the transfer disclosure statement at the physical inspection.

Natural Hazards Disclosure

Unless the property is exempt from disclosure requirements, all San Fernando Valley sellers and/or their real estate agents must disclose if the property is in a natural hazards zone such as earthquake, flood or fire. The disclosure must be made on a statutory natural hazards disclosure statement. Usually, the seller hires a neutral third party who will prepare a report and complete the disclosure statement. The seller, buyer and their real estate agents must also acknowledge and sign the disclosure statement.

Property Tax Disclosures

The seller and/or their agent must give the buyer a disclosure statement about supplemental property tax reassessments and statements and whether there are any mello-roos bonds and taxes if applicable.

Homeowners Guide to Earthquake Safety

A booklet entitled "Homeowners Guide to Earthquake Safety" must be delivered to the buyer by the seller and/or their Realtor. If the buyer receives the booklet, then the seller or their agent are not required to provide any additional information, except of course if the home suffered any earthquake damage, then it must be disclosed on the transfer disclosure statement.

Lead Based Paint Hazards

Sellers and/or their real estate agents are required to deliver to the buyer a lead based paint hazards disclosure form and pamphlet entitled "Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home," regarding any homes built prior to 1978. Buyers have an opportunity to test for lead based paint if they choose to under the purchase and sale contract. This disclosure also applies to a lease or rental.

Smoke Detector Compliance

A smoke detector compliance statement must be provided by the seller to the buyer that the property is in compliance with California law pertaining to smoke detectors. New construction requires a hard wired smoke detector with a backup battery one. For existing dwellings, the smoke detector may be battery operated.

California Environmental Hazards

The seller must disclose on the transfer disclosure statement any environmental hazards that they are aware of that affect the property such as asbestos, radon gas, lead paint, contaminated water or soil, etc. Also, if the seller or their real estate agent deliver an environmental hazards guide entitled "Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Buyers, Landlords, and Tenants", then they do not have to give the buyer anything additional other than any applicable disclosures on the transfer disclosure statement with regard to environmental hazards.

Mold Disclosure Form

Although not required by statute, most real estate brokerage firms recommend that the buyer be given a mold disclosure form. Typically, as part of their physical inspection, the buyer is also given the opportunity to test for mold should mold be discovered. Generally, the physical home inspector will advise the buyer if they suspect there is any mold and recommend that further mold testing be done by a mold remediation company. Not all home inspectors conduct mold inspections. It is up to the buyer to pay for the mold inspection and the physical inspection.

Structural Pest Control Inspection

State law does not require that a structural pest control inspection and certification be delivered by the seller to the buyer, unless the contract specifies or the buyer's lender requires it. Since a majority of homes in California have termites, it is recommended that a termite inspection report be given to the buyer. It is negotiable as to who pays for the report, but generally the seller does.

Energy Conservation Retrofit

There are state, federal and local ordinance laws pertaining to minimum energy conservation. This includes retrofitting for low flow toilets and showers. Your San Fernando Valley Realtor can provide you with the applicable information with regard to your Sherman Oaks, Encino, Van Nuys or North Hollywood home.

Certification Regarding Water Heater Strapping

A certification that the water heater is strapped per earthquake code regulations is required to be given to the buyer. This can be delivered to the buyer with the Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety, in the Real Estate Purchase Contract or Receipt for Deposit, or with the transfer disclosure statement. It is recommended that the seller have the water heater strapped to code prior to putting the house on the market so that this is not an issue at the time of the buyer's home inspection.

Common Interest Developments

San Fernando Valley homeowners must provide buyers copies of documents governing common interest developments for townhomes, condos or homes in subdivisions if their property is located in a common development. These documents are generally provided during the escrow period.

FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Estate Property Tax Act)

Federal law requires that the buyer withhold 10% of the purchase price if the seller is a foreigner. Transactions under 0,000 are exempt if the buyer intends to reside in the property.

Franchise Tax Board

In certain California real estate sale transactions, buyers must withhold 3 1/3% of the total sales prices as state income tax and deliver the sums withheld to the State Franchise Tax Board. Check with your tax adviser for exemptions.

Buyer's Right to Terminate

The buyer has the right to terminate the contract if disclosures are delivered to the buyer after the execution of the offer to purchase and sale. If the disclosures are personally delivered to the buyer, the buyer has three days from receipt to terminate. If the disclosures are delivered by mail, then the buyer has five days from receipt to terminate the contract.

Real estate disclosure laws are complicated, and sellers should consult with their San Fernando Valley Realtor or their attorney to make sure they are in compliance with all state, local and federal laws.

Required Disclosures When Selling

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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

!: Shopping Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector This instant

Brand : Pro Series | Rate : | Price : $129.95
Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 17:14:22 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Digital Continuous Radon Gas Monitoring with Home Radon Alarm Protect your family from lung cancer from radon gas exposure with the only EPA evaluated radon gas alarm, the Safety Siren Pro 3 Electronic Radon Gas Detector from Family Safety Products. As seen on TV, this is not like a single use radon test detection kit: this digital radon gas monitor for home testing is a continuous radon tester that performs continuous radon gas monitoring. The clear, easily read digital radon level display shows short-term radon levels as well as long-term radon level averages. The Safety Siren electronic radon monitor gives its first radon reading after 48 hours of radon gas sampling. Radon gas in air or water is a health hazard resulting from uranium breaking down in soil. Exposure to radon can cause lung cancer. Continuous home radon monitoring is recommended in high radon areas or when radon mitigation systems are used. Radon gas levels change according to humidity and season. See in.Radon Facts in. below the radon monitor information. Family Safety Products' Electronic Radon Meter Features: USA EPA Evaluated. Not for sale to residents of the State of Iowa nor for shipment to Iowa residents per Iowa Department of Public Health Rules, Chapters 43 (136B). Please contact the Iowa Department of Public Health at (515) 281-7689 for further information. Numeric LED radon gas detection level display range: .1 to 999.9 in pCi/L. Short and long term readings. Short-term readings: 7 day radon average. Long-term readings: radon averages since powered-up or last reset. 5-year maximum. Audible alarm if short or long-term radon gas averages are 4 pCi/L or greater. Continuously samples air . Display updates hourly. Failsafe self test: every 24 hours. Error code displays if test fails. 4 function menu button Green LED illuminates next to S (short-term) or L (long-term) display. User can manually test detector operation. Button to mute or reactivate audible alarm when unit is in alarm.

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Monday 21 November 2011

Low Cost Geiger Counter

!: bargain sale Low Cost Geiger Counter purchase online

Brand : Quarta Radiation Monitor | Rate : | Price : $199.95
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 05:16:11 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Excellent geiger counter for the money!

Designed for evaluation of ambient dosage of gamma radiation, which can be done by ordinary people in domestic environment (homes, office, food products, construction materials, soil, etc.). Also, the instrument can be used by industrial personnel, working with ionizing sources of radiation. Moreover, the instrument can detect objects, polluted by beta active radioactive nuclides.

The instrument uses a Geiger counter to detect the amount of gamma radiation within 40 sec. and indicates the values in µSv/h and µRem/h on an LCD screen. Registration of every particle is indicated by a click sound, which makes it possible to quickly determine the location of hot spots.

Incorporates the following features: audio alarm with 3 adjustable thresholds, continuous updating of readout in proportion as duration of measurement increases, display illumination, MENU in English. CE. 3 year factory wty. Radex Model RD1503.

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Thursday 17 November 2011

Do You Want to Know What Happens at the Home Inspection?

!: Do You Want to Know What Happens at the Home Inspection?

If you are curious to know what happens at the home inspection, it is not all that complicated, although most home inspections are different, and they vary from state to state, and even within the same state, its counties and cities. In addition, home inspectors are not licensed in many states, but that does not take away from the fact that you can find very professional inspector, with lots of experience on the job.

There are things that require a specific license to inspect, so a home inspector's standard practice does not include: Rodents, mold, mildew, and fungi; wood-destroying organisms, lead, radon, methane, radiation and formaldehyde detection.

On the other hand, standard things that are checked during an average home inspection include, but are not limited to: Elements involving structural components; wall, ceiling, floor, roof and foundation construction, exterior evaluation, roof and attic, which does not include a guarantee of roof condition, or a roof certification; plumbing and system components such as the circuit breakers, main panel, wiring, grounding, exhaust fans, receptacles, ceiling fans and light fixtures. The aforementioned are among the things that you can expect during a home inspection.

It will also include appliances, dishwasher, range and oven, built-in microwaves, garbage disposal and smoke detectors, garage, including the slab, walls, ceiling, entry, vents, firewall, garage door, lights, receptacles, windows and roof.

You will get a very detailed home inspection report the report will not describe the condition of an item if it is in excellent shape. However, you should look at your report for the notes that detail serious problems with an item, or the service it may need.

Among the serious problems that you should look for are health and safety concerns, roofs that may have a short life-expectancy, furnace, heater, and/or air conditioning malfunction, foundation problems, and moisture and drainage issues, among others.

You can expect sellers to balk at having to spend large sums of money to fix every issue listed on the home inspection report. This is where your negotiating skills will come into play. You will need to decide which items you can see to fixing yourself, and which items the seller should take care of, but there are sellers who will want to sell the house as is, and they will not move off their price. You are going to have to decide whether the home is worth the price that is being asked and the cost of the repairs.

In addition, if you entrust a repair to an unmotivated seller, it is probable that the seller is going to opt for the lowest cost repair available rather than the best, and to choose the appliances that cost the least.

You are going to have to decide if you can entrust the owner to carry out any major repair, or if it would be better to try to negotiate the price again, or perhaps it would be better to walk away from the deal.

Be aware that no home is perfect, and that even new homes have issues that will turn up in an home inspection report. With this in mind, perhaps you will not be too demanding when it comes time to discuss the inspection report, and the owner may be willing to negotiate.

Do You Want to Know What Happens at the Home Inspection?

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Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wear Protective Eye-Wear While You Work

!: Wear Protective Eye-Wear While You Work

Our sense organs allow us to experience and to be aware of our world. And one of the greatest gifts of being human is the gift of sight. It goes without saying that protecting your eyes is one of the most important things you can do in life. Our eyesight accounts for eighty percent of what we perceive through our sense organs.

Over a thousand eye injuries occur daily in the workplace, and an estimated 1.1 to 2.4 million eye injuries happen a year with 42,000 requiring hospitalization. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states about 2,000 workers in the U.S. sustain job related injuries that happen each day that require medical treatment.

More eye injuries happen at home due to the misuse of garden equipment and tools, household products or tools from the workshop, with forty percent of the injuries happening in the yard or garden. According to the National Society to Prevent Blindness, over sixty percent of all product related injuries occur around and in the home.

The good news is that simply simply taking precautions and using protective eyewear can prevent ninety percent of all eye injuries. I am very active around the house and in the yard. I love to use the leaf blower, weed eater and putter around the house. However, there have been several times I have escaped injury but by grace alone. The debris and dust from using the weed eater will just irritate my eyes and a few times there have been rocks or sticks that have hit me in the head, very close to my eyes. I have even been scratched close to my eye by briars and limbs. Now, as I am getting older, I am realizing more the importance of wearing protective eyewear as I work outside. These few close calls were a wake-up call to be smart and protect my sense of vision.

Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America says, "All too often when we are working around the house and doing chores that we've done a thousand times before without incident, we forget about the risks we take by not protecting our eyes. But all it takes is one split second accident that could damage your vision for a lifetime."

Anytime you work in the yard or around the house, protect your eyes! Aside from being exposed to flying debris traveling at a high rate of speed, when we work in the yard, we are also at risk from fungus from the plant materials themselves that can get in the eye, and exposure to chemicals and fertilizers.

Prevent Blindness America suggests while working in the yard, to check for debris before mowing, wear safety glasses with side protection or goggles while mowing, wear safety glasses or goggles under a face shield while using a weed eater, wear goggles while working with power saws or trimmers, wear goggles to protect yourself from fertilizers, pesticides, lime dust and other yard chemicals, follow all product instructions, obey warnings on all yard chemicals and equipment, and turn off all power tools when near an unprotected by stander, especially young children.

And don't forget, 90% of all eye injuries can be avoided simply by wearing protective eyewear and taking precauitons while you work outdoors.

After all, you want to be able to see that beautiful yard of yours when you are finished.

Wear Protective Eye-Wear While You Work

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Friday 4 November 2011

Radon Measurements using CR-39 Based Detectors: Implications for Uranium Ore Analysis and Risk Assessment of the Lung Cancer

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Brand : | Rate : | Price : $66.00
Post Date : Nov 05, 2011 05:15:23 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Over the last several decades, there has been an increasing interest in the measurement of radon and natural radioactivity throughout the world. One of the main reasons behind this is that both are health hazards and their measurement plays a critical role in monitoring of the human health. In this regard, an overview of radon is given wherein topics related to its origin, sources, dosimetry, etc. are described. Solid State Track Detectors are briefly discussed along with discovery of new etchants. From the measured radon and natural radioactivity levels in soil and building materials of the Bahawalpur Division of Pakistan, annual effective dose and excess lung cancer risk have been calculated. A mathematical model has been developed for radon exhalation rate. Determination of Uranium contents in ore samples using CR-39 based radon detectors has been discussed.

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Monday 31 October 2011

Should You Buy a New Or Used Home?

!: Should You Buy a New Or Used Home?

When looking to buy a home you have two options. You can buy new or used.

You can often save money by moving into an established neighborhood and improving an older home to your liking. Or you could buy a smaller new home. Your decision should be based on your preferences, as you will find that there are both new and used homes in every price range.

Some of the things you will have to consider include the new home and smaller space versus the older home and remodeling costs. In general, you can buy a much larger existing home for your money. However, you may be stuck with paying for new paint, carpet, cabinets and other aspects of the home that you do not like.

There are some advantages to older homes. You often find more amenities in an existing home. If you are lucky, the homeowners have updated the appliances over time. Many new homes start off with builder's grade appliances. Over time, homeowners upgrade to nicer appliances. You may even find hot tubs and swimming pools with older homes.

With an existing home, the neighborhood is well established. You don't have to guess what it will look like when complete. The landscaping for the home is already in place. The neighbors are already there. You know how the schools are and what the safety level is.

However, with new homes, you are often safer in the home itself. New homes are six times less likely to have a fatal fire than older homes. New homes often come equipped with smoke detectors on every floor. With central heating systems and good insulation, the risk of space heater caused fires is lessened. Electrical power systems are sufficient for the home.

With older homes, you often have to worry about asbestos, lead paint, urea-formaldehyde finishes and radon. With a newer home, these issues are virtually non-existent.

As far as energy efficiency goes, I believe that it depends on the home. I've been in very well built existing homes that use energy very well. I've been in new homes that are an energy drain. It all depends on the home.

With the remodeling of older homes, you often find that you will recover most of the costs when your resell the home. Most people never consider buying or building a new home. They simply look to homes that are used. When you improve your home, you are reaching out to the person who wants the feel of new without the cost.

You need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of new and used to make your decision. It's all up to you. Shop around and look at several new and several used homes. You may find that you fall in love with a certain area and are willing to purchase used just to live there. Or perhaps you want a home built to your desires. New is better for you. Either way you go, buying a home is a wise financial decision. Good Luck.

Should You Buy a New Or Used Home?

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Wednesday 26 October 2011

Checkpoint IIa Radon System Alarm

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Brand : HomeAire
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 04:09:15
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This radon system fan monitoring device provides audible and visible warnings when the radon fan ceases to operate. Ideal addition to a radon mitigation system that is not being inspected regularly.

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Monday 24 October 2011

Topical Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques - LRT 2010 (AIP Conference Proceedings / High Energy Physics)

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Brand :
Rate :
Price : $95.87
Post Date : Oct 24, 2011 16:03:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

LRT2010 is the third workshop in the series on low radioactivity materials and techniques, which is the most fundamental part of rare-event physics detectors, such as for solar neutrinos, dark matter, double-beta decay, and long half-life phenomena. Topics include global surveys of low background facilities, detectors and shielding techniques, ultra-low background purification techniques, cleaning and contamination control, low background construction and fabrication, and background calculations and simulations.

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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas Detector HS71512 - Get The Best Radon Gas Detector On Sale

!: Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas Detector HS71512 - Get The Best Radon Gas Detector On Sale

What makes the Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas Detector HS71512 the best home radon detector on the market? There are plenty of reasons that you should invest in this particular model. You can also find information in this article on how to get the best deal on one of these particular home safety devices.

What makes this particular detector so much more effective than others?

Only EPA evaluated radon gas alarm Continuous monitoring Clear and easy to read digital display Short term and long term radon level detection Built in 24 hour failsafe test Audible alarm for short and long term high level detection

There are plenty of more reasons why the Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas Detector is the best available but I am sure you already get the picture.

Why should I be concerned about radon levels for me and my family?

The simple fact is exposure to high levels of radon has been linked to the development of lung cancer. This isn't just a problem for the elderly either. Lung cancer due to exposure can even affect children. Certain areas of the country are prone to higher concentrations and it is essential for every home to have continuous radon detection. There are several one time detection kits on the market but this is simply not good enough. Danger levels vary depending on the amount of humidity and season, thus leaving a person exposed without continuous monitoring. The safety of one's family is of utmost importance when it comes to purchasing a model that offers continuous protection.

Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas Detector HS71512 - Get The Best Radon Gas Detector On Sale

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Monday 17 October 2011

Home Inspection - Safety Issues - Part 1 of 3 This is video #1 of a 3-part series. The videos are Part 1 = Part 2 = Part 3 = To watch the Safety Issues Playlist = SAFETY CONCERNS Intro to Hazardous Materials There are certain materials in home construction in which after their widespread utilization, were found to be hazardous to people. Such materials may still be present in your home so it is a good idea to know what they are. Asbestos Asbestos is a naturally occurring, fibrous mineral. Asbestos that is dry and capable of crumbling is considered dangerous, only when it releases its tiny fibers into the air. Asbestos, if inhaled, is associated with the disease asbestosis, and certain types of cancer. Asbestos has been used widely in the past because it has properties that make it commercially valuable. Asbestos does not burn or easily conduct heat and electricity. Manufacturers continue to use it as roof shingles, roof cements, asbestos cement sheets, house siding, and as asbestos cement water pipes. Such products have virtually no exposure risk. Asbestos has been banned since 1973 for use in areas where fibers could be inhaled, such as popcorn ceilings. Asbestos may be found in some old attic insulation, flu pipes used to vent water heaters and furnaces, as a spray on insulation coating for water pipes, and in old style floor tiles. A licensed contractor must remove asbestos. Laws, nationwide, require the proper handling of asbestos materials before ...

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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Brand : | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Apr 06, 2011 07:12:13 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

A Classic Text on Radiation Detection and Measurement Now Updated and Expanded Building on the proven success of this widely-used text, the Third Edition will provide you with a clear understanding of the methods and instrumentation used in the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation. It provides in-depth coverage of the basic principles of radiation detection as well as illustrating their application in a full set of modern instruments. In addition to a complete description of well-established detection and spectroscopic methods, many recently developed approaches are also explored. These include extensive new discussions of semiconductor detectors with unique properties, recently developed scintillation materials and photomultiplier tubes, and several gas-filled detectors of new design. Many other updates and additions have been made throughout the text and two appendices have been added. Over 100 new figures and tables have been included. Key Features of the Third Edition
* Every chapter has been updated with extensive addition of new references to relevant articles in the scientific literature.
* A number of new detection techniques have been added, strengthening the status of the text as the most comprehensive coverage of the topic to be found in any single book.
* The writing style has maintained the readability that has attracted favorable response from readers and reviewers of the earlier editions.
* The author uses his extensive research experience in radiation measurements, nuclear instrumentation, and radiation imaging to provide you with an invaluable resource.

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Thursday 24 March 2011

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Saturday 26 February 2011

Holly Batchelor - Cloud Chamber

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Scottish schoolgirl, Holly Batchelor has been named as the world's brightest young physicist at an international science festival. The 18 year old pupil at Mary Erskine School in Edinburgh, made her own cosmic ray detector and won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair's (ISEF) First Award for physics and astronomy.

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Sunday 20 February 2011

Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

!±8± Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

Rate : | Price : $129.95 | Post Date : Feb 20, 2011 11:45:22
Usually ships in 24 hours

Digital Continuous Radon Gas Monitoring with Home Radon Alarm Protect your family from lung cancer from radon gas exposure with the only EPA evaluated radon gas alarm, the Safety Siren Pro 3 Electronic Radon Gas Detector from Family Safety Products. As seen on TV, this is not like a single use radon test detection kit: this digital radon gas monitor for home testing is a continuous radon tester that performs continuous radon gas monitoring. The clear, easily read digital radon level display shows short-term radon levels as well as long-term radon level averages. The Safety Siren electronic radon monitor gives its first radon reading after 48 hours of radon gas sampling. Radon gas in air or water is a health hazard resulting from uranium breaking down in soil. Exposure to radon can cause lung cancer. Continuous home radon monitoring is recommended in high radon areas or when radon mitigation systems are used. Radon gas levels change according to humidity and season. See in.Radon Facts in. below the radon monitor information. Family Safety Products' Electronic Radon Meter Features: USA EPA Evaluated. Not for sale to residents of the State of Iowa nor for shipment to Iowa residents per Iowa Department of Public Health Rules, Chapters 43 (136B). Please contact the Iowa Department of Public Health at (515) 281-7689 for further information. Numeric LED radon gas detection level display range: .1 to 999.9 in pCi/L. Short and long term readings. Short-term readings: 7 day radon average. Long-term readings: radon averages since powered-up or last reset. 5-year maximum. Audible alarm if short or long-term radon gas averages are 4 pCi/L or greater. Continuously samples air . Display updates hourly. Failsafe self test: every 24 hours. Error code displays if test fails. 4 function menu button Green LED illuminates next to S (short-term) or L (long-term) display. User can manually test detector operation. Button to mute or reactivate audible alarm when unit is in alarm.

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